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Chevelle project update

I think I know what the deal is. It just occurred to me that I have the alternator off the car. I traced the horrible screeching to the Powermaster alternator I put on the car, and I disassembled it and found the commutator was all chewed up. It was cheaper and easier to replace it. But the major battery ground is disconnected at the moment.

Good thing I opted not to carve my initials with the grinder.
We've all been there, I find it necessary to walk away quite often. One of the last times I got frustrated on the workbench, I swung my body hammer down so hard it flung out of my hands, did a dozen summer saults and landed head first on my '66 hood. I had to laugh and the vision of that hammer twirling and knowing it was going to do damage always remains in my memory.
Put the new alternator on, hooked everything back up and the craziness went away. But the battery was dead AGAIN. ugh.
A lead acid battery only discharges at a rate of 5% per month, so you might have a parasitic draw some where. Best to check with a voltage meter with the battery cable attached, then detached.
Yeah, I added that to the list. That was already an issue as I’ve had the battery go dead a couple,of,times now
We've all been there, I find it necessary to walk away quite often. One of the last times I got frustrated on the workbench, I swung my body hammer down so hard it flung out of my hands, did a dozen summer saults and landed head first on my '66 hood. I had to laugh and the vision of that hammer twirling and knowing it was going to do damage always remains in my memory.
When I was house framing I watched a friend get mad and throw his Estwing (Yeah Framing with an Estwing LOL) on the Plywood sub floor really hard, well it bounced right back up hitting him in the forehead :ROFLMAO: He wore a Goose Egg for a week! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Unless it's a deep cycle (likely not) each time it goes dead it shortens it's life. If you have a trickle charger, put it on the battery and leave it there and disconnect when testing for the parasitic draw, then when done testing hook it back up to maintain it.
Just can’t win with the cars these days. Truck was completely dead this morning. Put the charger on and the battery had a full charge. Went inside and a minute later the alarm goes off. Went out to check it out and it’s not dead anymore, but won’t start. Battery is now dead and pulling 15a. WTF. Had this same issue a couple months ago and it turned out to be the key, but I replaced it. Ugh. Anyway, no need to respond, just venting.
That same problem threw me a curve on my truck. I removed the cables, cleaned and lubed the threads then I had strong current but no start. The solenoid was bad. The truck would have full power on the "on" key position until it went to "start".....then nothing after that until I triggered the key a dozen times or so, then it may or may not start or would repeat the cycle.
Drove it to the pak mail and it started and ran just fine. Had this happen once before. The battery tested good. Once it was charged it was fine. Strange.
Last year of the steel body. Hang on to that truck, it's gonna be worth $.

Shit, a new 2023 is $60k+. Even 2014s wtih similar miles are going for 20k. I only paid 26 with 22k miles in 2015.

Meanwhile I'm busting ass to make the same as I made when I bought it. Thanks Joe, you idiot.

Going to have this for another 10 years at least
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