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Building Our Barndominium

I would have told him to do it since it's his. I showed you how to do it, now get it done. We gave my youngest Lisa's Mazda CX5 with like 12k miles on it and told her it was her responsibility to take care of it. I showed her how to do the oil change the first time, and she did it herself after that. Full disclosure I had my lift, so she drove it on the lift, put it in the air and did it all herself. Her boyfriend at the time (now fiance) wouldn't go under the lift. He was afraid the car would fall on him. My daughter looked at him and told him to go sit down and she'd handle it. That's my girl, take charge and get shit done.
The Mazda CX5 was a 2016, we gave it to Christina in 2017, and put the title in her name in 2019 when she turned 18. She still has it, it has 113k miles, she maintains it, and says she will run it until it dies. Lisa told her if she wants to keep it I can drop a new engine in it, but I'm not sure if they use salt in northern Tennessee, so it may be a rust bucket when it comes time. She said she wanted to get an all wheel drive SUV next time, so she saw that Mazda has the new CX5 that's all wheel drive, and my son Paul's fiancé liked the CX5 so much, Paul bought her a loaded all wheel drive model.

Christina's friends made fun of her for driving a "Mom Car" but she didn't care, and now her friends are driving "Mom Cars".
And yes, the mini splits are capable of dropping the temp down to 60 degrees. I spent the extra $ to make sure it would cool and heat in extreme conditions.
Nice thing about separate systems is you can have Cooling in 1 room and Heating in another IF you want, single outdoor with multi head indoor units can’t do that, All Cool or All Heat, Back to Roof for me lol
Unless it's for an RC helicopter, you ain't landing here. :ROFLMAO:
True story. And I've flown R/C airplanes on & off since I was 15.
I tried to fly an r/c helicopter once. I had a teacher & our radios were connected with a cable.
That thing was a whole different animal. I had to walk away from it. I saw financial disaster with that hobby.
True story. And I've flown R/C airplanes on & off since I was 15.
I tried to fly an r/c helicopter once. I had a teacher & our radios were connected with a cable.
That thing was a whole different animal. I had to walk away from it. I saw financial disaster with that hobby.

I was always intrigued with learning how to fly a helicopter and at one point Lisa was going to set me up with lessons to learn, but life got in the way, so she bought me one of those electric helicopters that was like $200 and even had a working tail prop.

I charged it up and away it went for the first flight. It went up and a burst of wind caught it, I was ill equipped to handle it, it crashed into my neighbors block house and I walked over to pick up lots of little pieces and put them in the trash.

Safe to say that was the end of my jaunt into flying a radio controlled helicopter. Pissed away $200 in under 1 minute.
Heck, I've spent a $500 bill & crashed that into the ground in under 30 seconds a couple times. Plus, the time to build it.
Had many I flew till I was tired of them, but those helicopters, not for me.
Had some gooks in china water jet the numbers for my house out of 14 gauge steel and then powder coat it matte black. $7.99 (including shipping) from china, then I bought a beware of dog aluminum sign flipped over and painted rustoleum white for a backdrop, 1.5" spacers, and this is the result.

Out of pocket expense: $13.28

Nothing better IMO than knowing If you want Ice Cicles you got it or if you want a Heat wave you got it 👍👍🙂
It ain't warm in the house.... Lisa was saying we might have to open windows or turn the heat on. :ROFLMAO:
The thing with Mandatory manual J calcs and being Forced to do that code is you are Not giving the home owner what they might want, Man J works fine for average home owners but what if someone wants their home Different?
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