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Building Our Barndominium

The thing with Mandatory manual J calcs and being Forced to do that code is you are Not giving the home owner what they might want, Man J works fine for average home owners but what if someone wants their home Different?

In comes using mini spits..... they take up the slack because they can ramp up and down and don't require calcs.
In comes using mini spits..... they take up the slack because they can ramp up and down and don't require calcs.
I’ve ran into problems with that here in Pinellas county, Fn idiot inspectors saying “Oh the Max is to big” LOL the Man J will figure a 2 bedroom house to only have 3 occupants, what if there’s 5-6-7? Completely Stupid, I understand conventional ac systems if too large will Not run long enough to remove humidity But Inverter systems should have a different Man J, just my opinion Edit since Cooling/Heating Ramps up & Down
I had a dream on Saturday night that I actually remembered when I woke up. Seems finishing my house has taken over every aspect of my life and it's pretty much the only thing I've done for the better part of 10 months, so I guess it stands to reason I'd dream about it too, but luckily it'll be done this week and then I can take a long overdue break since I've been working on the house pretty much 7 days a week.

The dream consisted of a guy stopping by our place as he'd heard about what I was doing from one of the neighbors who'd mentioned it to someone else and he'd overheard the conversation. He asked if he could see the place and started asking technical questions about the solar and my building design. After some time (have no idea because it was a dream), he asked if he could buy our place, offered $900k and I told him I'd have to discuss it with my wife, so he left getting my contact info, and I got his. In my dream Lisa and I were eating lunch at the island discussing the offer, and I guess the guy was very serious about buying our place, called me and said he'd up the offer to 1 million. I told him we'd discussed it and we'd have to decline his offer.

While I know some of you might call me nuts (even though it was only a dream), my attitude has always been if there was enough money to be made in the deal, I'd sell. This is the first time EVER that the money meant nothing to me and I wasn't interested in selling. What a revelation. I told Lisa about the dream and how strongly I felt about not selling this place and she was happy. She's never told me no about moving or buying a new place because she knows it always works out for the better, but she's been hoping this was the last place we built and lived, and now I truly feel the same way. We've come home and I'm pretty sure this will be the last place we live.
So this weekend (and this morning) I concentrated on getting the executive shop bathroom done. Just need to get a mirror, a couple more pieces of base trim, and the toilet paper holder and it'll be complete.

I got this bath light for free, but don't like chrome in a bathroom, so I painted it white.


Then I made the countertop for the executive sink. I mounted it at comfort height (36", but standard height is 32") so I don't have to lean down, and since it's my bathroom, I get it my way. Here's from wood to finished countertop with sink (and the rest of the bath). The vitrous china sink lacked QC as the flange was not level, but I guess that's to be expected when it comes from Mexico. I caulked it in and it'll be fine.

So this weekend (and this morning) I concentrated on getting the executive shop bathroom done. Just need to get a mirror, a couple more pieces of base trim, and the toilet paper holder and it'll be complete.

I got this bath light for free, but don't like chrome in a bathroom, so I painted it white.

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Then I made the countertop for the executive sink. I mounted it at comfort height (36", but standard height is 32") so I don't have to lean down, and since it's my bathroom, I get it my way. Here's from wood to finished countertop with sink (and the rest of the bath). The vitrous china sink lacked QC as the flange was not level, but I guess that's to be expected when it comes from Mexico. I caulked it in and it'll be fine.

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Kevin what color is the walls? I like it, when Megan was going through a divorce and staying here with a new baby, very high stress, I looked online for stress relieving colors and painted her bedroom Dreamsickle a light Orange color, I think I spelled that color wrong lol
Have no idea, Lisa picked it out. She picks out the colors, I paint. ;)
Almost sounds like us, we talk about colors then since I paint I have (Some times) last word, some times Not 😆 PS I knocked out a cpl walls, remodeled, textured and primed 10+ yrs ago, still No color 😳


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Kathy’s ex husband is a cabinet maker, he built the kitchen here almost 30 yrs ago but it still looks new, we got back splashes though 🤣
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