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What’d you work on today?

Learned a long time ago with all our moves paying someone else to move the stuff is money well spent. Trust me, your body will thank you.
He has a friend coming over, I told him his 24 year old self can do this easier than my 57 year old body. He doesn't have a lot of money or stuff, the trailer may be over kill but at least it is out of the weather, possible storms this afternoon.
He has a friend coming over, I told him his 24 year old self can do this easier than my 57 year old body. He doesn't have a lot of money or stuff, the trailer may be over kill but at least it is out of the weather, possible storms this afternoon.

Put aside the the heavy lifting, just up and down the stairs a couple hundred times will get the better of you I guarantee.

Today is the first day we are supposed to have sun all day and it'll be a welcome sight.
Put aside the the heavy lifting, just up and down the stairs a couple hundred times will get the better of you I guarantee.

Today is the first day we are supposed to have sun all day and it'll be a welcome sight.
I need some me time for work around the house/yard, the last few weeks have been dedicated to kids and elderly relatives. Wife has been sick for a couple of weeks, my have gotten the Wuhan, IDK, you only get it if you are tested. My projects are stacking up. I will say that 2 trailer projects were forced on me and and got them done.

Son will be living here for 2 weeks while in between apartments, I will get labor out of him :)
Maintenance on Jenna's G8

-Replaced oil pressure sensor
-Scraped and power washed off all the mud caked on the chassis, and reattached the loose bumper bolts from when Cale put it in the ditch this spring.
-re balanced tires to fix a shake. Found one tire out of round. 🙄

Had that happen on a cooper tire and the shop said it was fine and I brought it back in and had them rebalance and that's when I saw it. They tried to hide 5oz of weights on the inside of the rim in one spot, and when I caught it and looked at the guy he just smiled, then said I'll get you a new tire. Asshole.
Cale's been hotrodding mom's car? That always made me smile, at least out of sight anyways.
Is that the base or GT?
Wonder if out of round tires were more common 30-40 years ago? There was a shop in our town that had a machine to shave out of round tires & make then round.
My current truck had 2 GY tires out of round, old truck had 2 out of round BFG tires that were out. So maybe just as common today.
Didn't know they shaved them. Knew about regrooving and bought some for an international box truck we owned. Bet it was common with tractor trailer tires though.
I remember my dad bought a regrooved tire once and nothing but problems then started getting take offs from Sheriff cars from his friend that was head mech there, made my 64 Tbird ride different but to me they were New tires lol
I remember my dad bought a regrooved tire once and nothing but problems then started getting take offs from Sheriff cars from his friend that was head mech there, made my 64 Tbird ride different but to me they were New tires lol

I did work for a sheriff's office 40 years ago installing cable, and the tires they took off the police cars in the shop still had lots of tread left, saw some, asked the mechanic if I could take 2, he said sure, got out the door, was putting them in my van and 3 cops came out with guns drawn and I was like whoa, what'd I do? Cops asked what I was doing and I explained the mechanic said I could have them, and then the mechanic came out and told them the same, then the cops put the guns in their holsters and told me to put the tires back and I couldn't have them because it was a liability if I had an accident. That was interesting.
I did work for a sheriff's office 40 years ago installing cable, and the tires they took off the police cars in the shop still had lots of tread left, saw some, asked the mechanic if I could take 2, he said sure, got out the door, was putting them in my van and 3 cops came out with guns drawn and I was like whoa, what'd I do? Cops asked what I was doing and I explained the mechanic said I could have them, and then the mechanic came out and told them the same, then the cops put the guns in their holsters and told me to put the tires back and I couldn't have them because it was a liability if I had an accident. That was interesting.
We use to get them mounted and balanced at the Pinellas county Sheriffs office but my dad was friends with 2 Detectives and a few deputies and of course his mech friend, we went in my dads truck with my Tbird wheels in the back and had 8 used tires mounted, bal. and they jacked my dads truck up and did everything a tire shop would do, my dad also sold those guys appliances, some would come over our house and drink beer with dad, 1 deputy was going to sell me a 73 Baracuda that had Cragar SS mags N50 rear tires but a 6 cyl and 3 on the floor for $1,800 when I was 15 but it was too much $ for me, woulda made a cool 340 4 spd Cuda clone
I did work for a sheriff's office 40 years ago installing cable, and the tires they took off the police cars in the shop still had lots of tread left, saw some, asked the mechanic if I could take 2, he said sure, got out the door, was putting them in my van and 3 cops came out with guns drawn and I was like whoa, what'd I do? Cops asked what I was doing and I explained the mechanic said I could have them, and then the mechanic came out and told them the same, then the cops put the guns in their holsters and told me to put the tires back and I couldn't have them because it was a liability if I had an accident. That was interesting.
Good thing you being white and weren't wearing a dress.......

Cale fell asleep while Mom was riding shotgun. :rolleyes: He buried it pretty deep in mud.

The G8 is a GT, and is cammed and tuned. Ran 13.003 at 108mph.

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In 75/6 I did that driving a good friend Black/Blk 67 Fairlane GT big block 4 spd, not falling asleep but drinking was involved, we were able to drive it out of the Ohio mud & snow though
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