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Allis Chalmers D10

This thing was kicking my ass this weekend. I am tired of it having a flat tire so I ordered a tube from Amazon. Yesterday I struggled to get the old nuts and bolts off of the spin out wheels. I am working on it in my car hauler so no power or air, all manual labor. It was cold out an I was sweating up a storm. Finally the wheel came off and I hauled it to the house.

This morning I went out to the garage to try to break the bead, quickly gave up. Later I saw this::


I tried it with small straps and one broke, so I got may big yellow ratchet straps. I broke the beads, flipped it over. I got the tube installed and after filling it with 70lbs of air and the bead finally set, back down to 20 lbs.. I know it is dry rotted but it will work for a while. Now to do some cleanup work on it and the tractor and repair/replace bad hardware.

Hope you don't need the outhouse. It wasn't too long ago, when mom was growing up they live up in the palouse washington area , in the 40s and only had an outhouse.....in the teens for weeks at a time. Makes me smile when I poop.
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