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Allis Chalmers D10

I should have asked, when you had the valve cover off did you try to wiggle the valves to see how loose the guides might be. Mine were terrible. Mine does have a few more years on it though. I know for sure my Dad did rings & bearings on it about 50 years ago.
Love your build thread....I get the feeling this tractor has a hold on you???
Good wintertime thing to do. Been raining a lot and ground is mushy. I don't like projects sitting around, when I have a piece of equipment I want it to work.

When I moved it outside today to pressure wash it I towed it with my Satoh. The D10's R/R tire is bad, the Satoh was dragging the tire because it was plumb flat.
The one will probably have to be replaced, it sat for years flat. This will be a plow and maybe a bush hog tractor. I don't think the tires need water, but I am not sure.

Up where you live, antifreeze in the tires, otherwise the will expand and unmount themselves (unless the tractor is kept indoors). We do water in the rear tires down here in Florida.
Up where you live, antifreeze in the tires, otherwise the will expand and unmount themselves (unless the tractor is kept indoors). We do water in the rear tires down here in Florida.
We do get cold enough every so often so yes, antifreeze will be needed.
I have calcium chloride in mine, sucks when you have a leak, kinda hard on the rims. It's heavy though.
IDK if I need the liquid, tractor is pretty heavy already. When I get to the tire stage I will probably take it to a local tractor tire specialty store down in the country.
And possibly counterweights for the front.
The Satoh has a 1 bottom plow, it pulls it but because it has turf tires on the back it does struggle, I do have the blade on the front for counterweight. The Satoh is also only rated at 16 HP. Good point on the weight for plowing and counter weight though.
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