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Allis Chalmers D10

Hard to find information on the web about these tractors. Finding timing information has been tough.

Some sites say you time it on the flywheel through a small hole on the left side of the engine. I have the hole but no flywheel timing marks.


I was having trouble getting the belt off so I pulled the radiator and fan off:


Look what I found:


Can't see it easily behind the hydraulic pump. Now I know I have the timing set to #1.

Engine doesn't look too bad inside, going to adjust the valves. Valves are closed on #1

It should have a mark on the flywheel, unless the flywheel has been changed at some time. I think their is a TDC & a fire mark.
It should have a mark on the flywheel, unless the flywheel has been changed at some time. I think their is a TDC & a fire mark.
It should but I rotated all the way around three times by a screwdriver and cleaned it, nothing, also looked at the hole on the bottom of the bell housing.
Did you find a tank?

Not yet, let me give them a try. Thanks.

BTW... the tank is not reproduced and it will have to be a used one from a D10 or D12. I looked at my tank last night, complete junk, a rusty mess. Must have had ethanol fuel in it when parked.
Did you find a tank?

Was worth a try:

Unfortunately, we are unable to supply the requested. We really tried our best to get this part. In this case, we went ahead and contacted our partners in the industry to source the item. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful.
Got the starter back, hoses, VC gasket, belt, plugs, wire and cap came in. I bought some Gunk Engine cleaner on clearance. This weekend I am going to bag the carb and distributer, take off the alternator and once the valve cover is back on, I am going to pressure wash the front half of the tractor and put some paint on the engine. At least that is the plan, then the reassembly starts.

Oh, located a gas tank not too far away, like 30 minutes.
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