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Allis Chalmers D10

Never heard about water in the tires. I'll ask my farmer about this when I talk to him next. I learn something new here all the time.
D10 update. The starter has been rebuilt but is back at the starter shop, the nose come that replaced the original needs to be modified to work on the D10, it will be a week or so before I get it back.

Meanwhile the engine is about done. All that is left is installing the radiator and hoses and connecting up the fuel system. The tank I got has a small place that needs to be sealed and it needs to be painted. I changed the oil, it had a small amount of water in it, maybe 1/2 a cup.

Along with the tank next I will be working on the gauges and front 1/2 of the tractor, cleaning it up and painting.


Loved that!! So much to note, but the shear massiveness of the plant reigns key. Got a kick out of the line workers wearing farmer bibs. I've been in so many factories similar in size of some of those buildings, but not the entire complex. Again, makes me want a tractor badddddd.
Here's an interesting history of Allis-Chalmers :

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