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OCS kills free speech again.....

That was before your days on OCS. He was quite the keyboard bully. I think it was around 2000 to 2003 maybe.
Maybe you've hear of racer1320?

In 2005 they were trying to bring him back as a consultant for 1/4 mile setups and as I understand, he was denied being able to return.
In 2005 they were trying to bring him back as a consultant for 1/4 mile setups and as I understand, he was denied being able to return.
I think he was super sharp from what I've heard just couldn't control his mouth on the key board. Supposedly in person he was decent.
I understand you have to have rules or it would end up a free for all like Yellow Bullet used to be. There was a whole lot of Ed Bigley's over there I believe.
I’ve been in a few discussions over there in the past and yes, some people are just rude and obnoxious. Calling people names. Some are pretty bad. Mostly when they are losing an argument. Like liberals do. I don’t pay much attention to them. I just laugh.
But the owners never shut it down.
They just let them go.
I think people can take it and dish it out as well.
I think it’s the moderators over at OCS are thin skinned.
Dean messaged me and asked what names Gene called me ? I never asked for any retribution because I consider him sick and unhinged.

Dean :
Just curious about what names Gene called you Beth ?
I've searched but not had any luck finding where he called you names.

He despises me for simply being a Trump supporter. He's a nut case who thinks Trump is a Russian agent ; therefore I must be one.
He basically called me a treasonous Russian agent and white supremacist. And he loves to insult with small stuff like calling me "IT". And "bastid."
It just seems if I get mad and say anything back, I can lose my lifetime membership.

GENE (427L88) : As far as I can tell, NB is either an extreme malconent, or simply a russkie SVR agent. I KNEW it was only a matter of time before ITS true colors stood back out.

SVR agent you say? Chaas, arent you a little paranoid? Y'all may not have any idea how deep that crap runs. I do. SVR or its predecessors Infiltrated the white supremacy movement since at least 1980. Mission is to sow doubt, discontent and cause internal civil strife. ( Ps ask any FBI agent familiar with CI) .

Gee, how are those bastids doing here in America fellas? Rhetorical question, please do not answer, we know the answer.
Dean messaged me and asked what names Gene called me ? I never asked for any retribution because I consider him sick and unhinged.

Dean :
Just curious about what names Gene called you Beth ?
I've searched but not had any luck finding where he called you names.

He despises me for simply being a Trump supporter. He's a nut case who thinks Trump is a Russian agent ; therefore I must be one.
He basically called me a treasonous Russian agent and white supremacist. And he loves to insult with small stuff like calling me "IT". And "bastid."
It just seems if I get mad and say anything back, I can lose my lifetime membership.

GENE (427L88) : As far as I can tell, NB is either an extreme malconent, or simply a russkie SVR agent. I KNEW it was only a matter of time before ITS true colors stood back out.

SVR agent you say? Chaas, arent you a little paranoid? Y'all may not have any idea how deep that crap runs. I do. SVR or its predecessors Infiltrated the white supremacy movement since at least 1980. Mission is to sow doubt, discontent and cause internal civil strife. ( Ps ask any FBI agent familiar with CI) .

Gee, how are those bastids doing here in America fellas? Rhetorical question, please do not answer, we know the answer.
Secret agent man. What a tool.
TDS is a real sickness.
Dean is full of shit. He knows.
Another "No Politics" thread was started yesterday morning but got clipped pretty quick. But I did have a response to the Ruskie comment in the other thread.

My response was "I find calling everyone a Ruskie who doesn't agree offensive. Would that not be political? 3 burnout posts later it was locked.
Another "No Politics" thread was started yesterday morning but got clipped pretty quick. But I did have a response to the Ruskie comment in the other thread.

My response was "I find calling everyone a Ruskie who doesn't agree offensive. Would that not be political? 3 burnout posts later it was locked.

Funny how some are allowed to post derogatory comments and get away with it until the mods are called out for their hypocrisy. I refuse to go there and I haven't been on that site in well over a year and still nothing has changed based on what everyone reports here.
I remember when Ed and Mark AKA (VORTECPRO) got into it with a multi page thread on the bullet years ago. It was quite entertaining as I remember.
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